My Games

Monday, February 7, 2022

MRD Court of Hell Generator 2.0

One regret I have with MRD is that I did not include much in the way of generators or roll tables e.g. for generating a Court of Hell or things like that. I have some on the blog, some of which are hyperlinked in the book somewhat obscurely, but I didn't necessarily feel like the blog post generators were up to the standards for the book, and regrettably didn't prioritize making them better and it sort of slipped through the cracks.

This post includes a significantly expanded and enhanced version of the Court Crawl generator, and if there's sufficient interest I may do a revamped Poltergeist Investigation generator or other kinds of generators. Would people be interested in seeing this or something similar turned into a pdf or given stylistic web layout and turned into a companion product for MRD?

Also reminder, the MRD Poltergeist Form Jam will be ongoing until the end of the month. Just enter a single Poltergeist Form, with no art or fancy layout, and there's a chance to have professional art and layout commissioned for your Poltergeist Form which you can sell or make available freely at your discretion!

As a bonus,
Tibbius (drivethrurpg, itch; Reavers of Mag dtrpg / itch) did an excellent writeup for the Arch-Devil The Wire:
As you move among the thick-bodied pale green stalks and yeast-scented shadows of a fungal forest where the pink-fluted caps loom twenty feet over your heads, a figure slightly taller than the tallest of you steps out from behind the next stalk ahead. Somehow you know it's a "he."

"Good morning," he cheerfully buzzes. A myriad tiny translucent wings, and as many small bright blue sparks, form the sound of his speech. His body comprises dozens of slender wire pieces, curving and straightening as he walks toward you with impeccable grace. On the lower part of the front of what would be a head on a human person, three orange-and-black butterflies, pierced through their bodies by a single bright strand of silver, gently flutter their big bright wings. It's like he's trying to smile at you ... He ducks his head toward you and holds out a literally wiry hand as if to offer a hearty shake. On each slender finger of his hand, impaled caterpillars struggle feebly as little blue-white sparks crackle faintly among them.


  1. Guy Inferno: Fire for hair. Sunglasses for eyes. Apron covered in blood. Always sharpening knives. This massive gluttonous creature will eat anything. Hope, fear, bank accounts, memories of lost love, human flesh, and even kale.
