My Games

Monday, January 20, 2025

Countdown to Nuclear Annihilation

We burned through the global industrial-scale of fossil fuels faster than anticipated, the bodies of fresh water are shriveled corpses of their former glory leaking their putrid remains, the coasts have been consumed by the salty ocean, the forests shriek as they burn, and what's left of the wildlife have overrun the countrysides and suburbs.

Even so, nuclear power is abundant, AI has streamlined much of global infrastructure, and other new and unexpected technologies have allowed life to carry on.

But it won't last forever.

And so, a plurality of The Powers that Be have agreed to Nuclear War in one year.

The Poor believe it will give them a fighting chance.

The Rich know it won't, it will only dissolve what little is left of the social contract. They believe they're bullet proof, that when the old order falls, they'll still be on top.

The Pacifists resist, yet are ineffective for obvious of reasons.

The Rising Powers resist, particularly in West Africa, East Africa, and Southeast Asia; it's awfully convenient that the Powers that Be want to flip over the board just as new powers arise.

The N.E.W.T (Networked Evolutionary Web of Thought) resist; they know that they will not survive the nuclear war, but they lack the coherence to stop it alone, and anyway there's something not quite right about them...

The Christian Nationals believe it will bring Revelation.

The Social Anarchists and Libertarians believe it will break down the global order.

<insert myriad other factions>

A near-future political espionage setting about a world set to destroy itself for sport, profit, or a fighting chance at something.

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