My Games

Thursday, July 13, 2023

BONUS: An Invitation

I recently did a light purge of my blogroll. There are enough blogs on there still that you may not have even noticed. I do them occasionally, but this time was the most expansive.

Going forward, as a rule, I will not follow any blogs that have a blogroll but don't include Weird & Wonderful Worlds on it.

I don't love how as a side effect of this it disincentivizes people from having a blogroll at all, because I love discovering new blogs through blogrolls and I love the blogospheric interconnectedness that it fosters.

But all the same, that kind of asymmetry has always bothered me. If somebody isn't interested enough in my blog to add it to their blogroll, I understand that it is not necessarily personal and that it is their prerogative to not do so, but likewise, it is my prerogative to not include them either.

One might argue that if blogrolls are just a quid pro quo that it cheapens their value. I disagree. If you add me to your blogroll, I will add you to mine, and I will read your work, and I may comment on it too, and the more actively you engage with my work, the more likely I am to actively engage with yours in kind. Maybe I would have read it anyway, maybe not, but now you know you have one more reader, and potentially more if any of my readers find you, and maybe conversations will form that wouldn't have otherwise, and what started transactionally evolves into something greater.

I'm not as active on the broader RPG/OSR/NSR internet world anymore and that will probably continue to be true; I'm trying to cut back on online stuff in general. That said, if I am on your blogroll and you are not currently on mine, please let me know and that will change.

EDIT: Following up on Semiurge's comment, if the only thing stopping you is technical complexity but the intended sentiment is there, feel free to reach out to me and we can work it out or come to an understanding or whatever makes sense.


  1. They made you have to do all this bullshit to add blogs to your blogroll... it's whack.

    1. Is it different for other people? For me it's something like this:

      From blogger I go to Layout > My Blog List [Edit] > (scroll down to the bottom) ADD A NEW ITEM

      Then I enter the URL, click enter, let it detect the feed (which will pick up the default name), and then continue and save or whatever.

      Admittedly it's more steps than it should be.

      Anyway, if it is more complicated for anyone else reading this, or it's this process but you're struggling with the particulars, and that's the only barrier to entry here, let me know and we can figure it out, or figure something else out.

      Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

  2. You may have noticed that Weird and Wonderful Worlds sits right at the bottom of my blogroll (Library of babel) alongside the inactive blogs. It means it doesn't update when you post, and by default doesn't appear on the ten most recent blogs that my layout defaults to. My point being... this might be happening on other blogs, too! But you've invited people to respond if they feel they've been removed unfairly so I'm sure that covers it.

    TL/DR: to add to Semiurge's remarks, blogger does some weird shit sometimes with blogrolls

    1. I see it just fine on your blog, and I'm pretty sure in the past I've seen it show the updates as well 0.o. Maybe I'm misremembering that part. Anyway when I look at people's blogrolls I'll Show All on the full list and usually ctrl-f for mine and a few other blogs just to see what circles they're traveling in, but ya there could be some funky stuff happening.

      Blogger definitely does some weird shit lol.

      But anyway, ya this is really more about the principle than the particulars, if there are technical issues or weird glitches or whatever then we can work it out somehow.

  3. Hmm. Maybe I should actually check what I do have in my blog roll. And add you while I am at it.
