My Games

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Hazy Sunset City

A gaseous moon, a city bathed in a hazy sunset. Skyscrapers gently bobbing on magnets and gyroscopes, a city like a lo-fi beat. A disorienting spherical geography, a recursive ouroboric horizon. A sleepy dreamy city, always dusk and always dawn, a soft vibrance, a gentle vibration, a coffee shop nightclub on a warm rainy night with a gentle breeze, a smell of ozone and herbs and tea.

Working on a bigger post but haven't finished it yet, had one more of these little ones, maybe more will come.


  1. However small this post is, I really like it. Sometimes, I think, even the briefest word-sketch of place can offer a lot.

    1. Thanks :). I got this idea while I was walking along the Williamsburg Bridge on a hazy afternoon and it just kinda came together.

  2. Gorgeous. Seconding Kyana. The illustration elucidates the text but isn't necessary. I especially like the synesthesia of "a city like a low-fi beat."

    1. I explained part of the inspiration in response to Kyana above, but also I think part of it was inspired by the city illustrations in Persona 5, and I think this drawing above either came from the game or was a fan art or recolor or something, but it also obviously evokes some of the lo-fi girl stuff and even though Persona 5 is more jazzy/funky/hiphop than lo-fi it feels like a continuum.

  3. One you can feel, maybe even taste? The descriptive power of the prose in these microfics is def sharpening - if the whole blog was this, I wouldn't mind.

    1. I've certainly been moving in that direction haha. If I am able to finish it, my next post might be a longer one and a little dry but in a way that is intentional and hopefully works in its own right.

      I like these short pieces but it requires a certain headspace, I'd like to get better at weaving this style of writing into longer pieces just to give me more range to work with. I think this "style" of mine started with the Poltergeist Forms in MRD and if I ever do formally publish MRD Vol.2 I'd like for it to be even more essential to the book.

  4. Love the vividness of this. "Always dusk, always dawn" rocks so much. I love the vibes of this and would love to build on this for a sci-fi game

    1. Ya I thought that line tied together the theme of it as well. That would be cool if you did build on this :).
