My Games

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Weird & Wonderful Wavelengths (Variety Show s1e5)


It's Halloween season!
...but I've got nothing seasonal on the mind. I have been watching movies though. Check out the Soska Sisters. They are criminally underrated. We're in the Golden Age of Tubi. Murdoch owns them but they're free so get in while the getting's good, let's bleed that old fucking vampire dry before he figures out how to monetize it.

I am a Cronenberg fan but the Soskas' Rabid is better.

Oh ya I had this one-liner, don't think I've shared this in a post before:
King in Giallo: A Giallo-inspired setting except with Hastur.

The Nuclear Man
Through means unknown, a nuclear missile explodes backwards through time. Probability crackles as atoms and the bounds of spacetime smash against each other, procreative energy seeding life in all it's magic, and madness.
A retrofuturistic examination of the effects of nuclear power on culture through a modern lens. The promise of what nuclear energy can be, against the dangers it poses.
A being born as a side effect of the orgodynamic nuclear time explosion referenced above.
An extremely powerful but unstable being, one with near unlimited potential, equally for better or worse.
One with a chip on its shoulders, with a streak of both exceptionalism and rebellion.

When too many ideas collide
A world in which some weird entities like bugs or autonomous machines or whatever are constantly building, and so most of the world is tight, labyrinthine corridors, and cities and wealth and property is symbolized by the ability to create and maintain large open spaces.

The universe actually is a simulation, where the first universe fucks things up so badly that they create a simulation as a way to preserve themselves through recreation, but each time it keeps getting fucked up and they keep trying to salvage it.

Each level of the simulation, the underlying algorithm is slightly different either for creative reasons or due to the constraints of the universe in which it was constructed, so each one is a little different.

And even though each universe is constructed as a consequence of the actions in the preceding universe, the algorithms are (mostly) deterministic, so "time travel" is just a calculation.

So there are people or factions that can propagate to "lower" or even "higher" levels of simulation, so it's like a Doctor Who-ian level of timey-whimeyness except in a universe more like that of cyclical mythologies with their ages and cycles, and the interactions between the simulations can become like a teleology.

And so that world where bugs or automatons are constantly building such that indoors are like outdoors and outdoors are like indoors would be one level of simulation in this setting.

Festival of the Living Dead. Soska Sisters. On Tubi. The last good zombie movie (probably).

A few more ideas while you wait for your train because they're trying to force us back into offices despite the comprehensive natural experiment known as covid demonstrating statistically that it is not necessary, it is solely a means for them to control us and our time and our bodies...
  • A bard with a magic box. They wave their fingers over the box and it makes magical vibrations and music.

  • A cyborg with a tachyonic hand. Solves mysteries of time by transmitting information between the cyborg's past, present, and future. The hand can only exist in one time and must find the cyborg whenever it transmits to a different time.

  • A cohort of cetaceans reached superhuman intelligence. Selling out the seas to humans for profit and power, they have systematically kept the rest of the cetacean population in an intellectually impoverished state. With their intelligence and extraordinary wealth, this small cohort, <1% of the cetacean population, live lavish lives in a secret underwater "city" far more advanced than anything humans have accomplished.

  • A mathematically advanced species whose language and cognition operates like music.

  • "Natural Farces", a magical/science phenomena like the opposite of Natural Forces.

How many episodes, over how many years, before I can start calling this season 2?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Heaven is here (and it has a waitlist) [Micro-Setting][Campaign Setup]

The PCs are breaking into Heaven because they couldn't make the waitlist, or are otherwise morally compromised, and now they want revenge for the eternity of bliss they didn't earn or never stood a chance of earning. Along the way they fight Biblically accurate Angels, Indulgent Elites, and worst of all the Anointed at the end of Space and Time.

High Concepts
  • Techno-Boschian Heaven
  • Statement on the culmination of Late-Stage Capitalism, Christian Nationalism, and Techno-Narcissism (the Triple Threat)
  • The unwillingness of Americans to sit with discomfort
  • The Ennui and dysfunction of Suburbia

Balance between representing the ugliness and banality of The Triple Threat, but also making it fun and interesting to play in.

System & Setting

Everything in Heaven is mediated by two resources.

Plasma: The raw energy of consumption, for the Human Spirits and their Machines (including PC's Vehicles). Sourced from e.g. Monsters, The Aether. The rate at which Plasma is being industrially farmed is depleting the ecosystem of Monsters and literally shrinking The Aether of Heaven.

Points: Gained by sacrificing Plasma to The Infineract. Can be traded or spent on Miracles from The Infineract, but their greatest value comes from being accrued. Also, they earn interest. Systems of Point Value are largely defined by The Infineract, through the collective Human Spirit.

Strictly-zoned Suburbs, Strip Malls, and Office Parks, connected by serpentine Highways. Getting anyway requires a Vehicle.

The PCs have at least one Vehicle, probably a car that they all ride in together. It's ok for the Vehicles to be cool and fun and for Players / PCs to feel personally connected with them.

Use Concept Crafting or your preferred Mecha / Vehicle system.

Getting anywhere in the Vehicle costs Plasma.
  • Vehicles with Controlled Deformation will crumple more easily, but shock absorb Damage for the PCs.
  • Larger Vehicles may be stronger, but cost more Plasma to use.
  • Rare or expensive Vehicles project greater Social Dominance, but also may attract bad actors such as thieves or cops, or other kinds of unwanted attention.

Vehicles are inherently unsafe and destroy the environment, but have fun ;)!

The Infineract
A "Black Box", an infinite-dimensional object reminiscent of the Monoliths in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Infineract is a Singleton object that can be accessed by anything with a GetInfineract access method (such as Human Spirits). However, most simply use The Infineract instance in the center of their living rooms.

Human Spirits
Those VIPs who made it into Heaven. As such they cannot die, or experience anything like true Pain. However, they have a very low tolerance for Discomfort, and this pathological fear drives all of Heavenly society. Human Spirits Need Not, but Want All.

PCs, being infiltrators and not truly Human Spirits, can die and feel Pain. It would be in their best interest to keep that information from getting out.

Non-Exhaustive Bibliography in no particular order
  • The Geography of Nowhere
  • Techgnosis
  • Hieronymus Bosch
  • Roadside Picnic / Stalker
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Games: Agency as Art
  • VALIS Trilogy
  • Harmony (Project Itoh novel)

Like many of my recent posts, I know there is more there there, but I was in a very particular state of mind when I wrote this, and I often struggle to get back into those states afterwards, so rather than waiting several months, barely adding anything, and then still sharing it in an incomplete state, I figured I'd just do it now. Hopefully I'll follow up on it more in the future.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Superheroes pt.2: The Fly

The Fly

Biotech scientist and social activist vigilante with a fly mask and a classic noir costume over superhero spandex. A small wiry man with a pet fly that sometimes talks to him and grants him extraordinary abilities.

The Fly can see in three dimensions of time, allowing them to respond to things before they happen. They also have superhuman agility and low-level superstrength.

Occasionally the pet fly grants them greater and more mysterious abilities, although usually they operate subtly, like luck or force of will.

Fly Vision in three dimensions of time is a compound kaleidoscope of scenes that appear spatially low resolution and muddy like old film.

Navy Bullfrog

Archnemesis of The Fly. A navy veteran turned entrepreneur who now runs most of corporate agriculture on the west coast, and a major financial supporter of the GOP.

An attractive brawny man in a navy suit. They produce a low frequency croaking vocalization that manipulates people subliminally. They wear a slimy blue helmet that amplifies their abilities to the point that they seem to influence consensus reality directly.

While Navy Bullfrog served in the armed forces, they were involved in a mission to wipe out an invasive species outbreak accidentally spread by the military overseas. This mission and all pertinent details have been covered up or classified.

Publication History

Unlike most superheroes, The Fly was introduced in medias res with no superhero origin story. In the years since, several creators have filled in some of the gaps, although these origins often contained major continuity errors, which later creative teams attempted to explain away as the effects of Navy Bullfrog's consensus reality-altering abilities or The Fly's Fly Vision.

From the beginning The Fly tackled social issues in the sciences, including critiquing the medical model of disability, tackling misinformation and disinformation around topics such as vaccines and genetically modified organisms, and WEIRD biases in research (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic). However, very early in the first volume, The Fly also subtly explored the intersections of scientific and spiritual thought, which later became a core theme of the character.

The villain Navy Bullfrog originally appeared as a one-off antagonist in Panic Attack! Vol. 1, sans his iconic helmet or any reference to his superpowers or strange past. The character was largely reinvented for The Fly, although later volumes of Panic Attack! would retcon the scope of Navy Bullfrog's influence in those early adventures.

The original creative team had intended for the pet fly to be an incarnation of a demonic entity and have The Fly interact with the Church of Satan, although this plotline was abandoned early in the run for unknown reasons [citation needed]. In Vol. 2 it was implied that the pet fly might be a Saturim agent working on behalf of Bright Mujo, although this was never confirmed.

During the XXX regime of 20XX, Vol. 3 of The Fly was censured mid-run. This led to a Streisand Effect in which the character became a symbol of resistance, and many underground "American Doujinshi" stories of The Fly would influence the official series when it was brought back into publication. This was controversial and led to backlash against the publisher for appropriating these stories while simultaneously attempting to reassert their IP control. Although they ultimately failed, the competition among publishers for this now public domain character led to an overall improved quality in storytelling compared to Volume 3, which had been losing buzz anyway prior to being censured.

I did not sleep well last night, and unfortunately nowadays that seems to be the best way to get my creative juices flowing. I should probably polish this off more but I dunno it feels right and I don't want to add too many details and muddle it, so I'm putting a pin in it and maybe I'll expand on it later.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Weird Pets

Their origins may have been functional (hunting, protection, pest control), but that's mostly not why people have pets anymore. We have pets because they are adorable and floofy and loving, or pretty to look at, or give our lives a sense of purpose through giving. These pets may have some other utility, but that's not what this is about. These pets are about serving other kinds of emotional needs.

#5, #6, and #7 Courtesy of Mike from Sheep and Sorcery.

  1. Charred-black tentacular nudibranchs that come in various neon patterns. They evoke a feeling like horror movie catharsis, but are not otherwise capable of causing much harm.

  2. These slow and dimwitted creatures look like a cross between a lizard and a sloth but are most closely related to lemurs. They evoke a sense of social repugnance and schadenfreude. Quietly, they have become a trendy pet.

  3. Their bowling pin shape and blubbery blowup doll bodies make these Killer Klown-looking creatures immune to blunt damage and indifferent to being used as punching bags. In fact, they seem to like it (or at least that's what scientists think the giggling is about). Even most vegans approve of using these weirdos to let out a little steam.

  4. Colloquially referred to as "Ant Bonobos", this unclassified thing that might be a slime mold extrudes itself into units that look like bonobos with ant parts. The colony behaves like a variation of the Game of Life algorithm, appearing remarkably like a simulation of human civilization. Despite whatever violence appears to ensue, it's all one colony and there's no reason to suspect it has self awareness or general intelligence as we think of it. Many find watching the colony slowly develop, sometimes destroy itself, and then start over, to be meditative or provide a feeling of existential contentment.

  5. Pet Men: Prisoners memetically and mentally altered with futuristic technology. All other humans naturally treat them more like dogs than human beings, including being willing to euthanize them rather than giving life-saving medical care. They are fully sentient internally, but unable to act in any way outside of the norms for an obedient hound.

  6. Rock Pet: While observed, this creature is nothing more than an inanimate rock. No amount of observation or scans reveal them as anything more than just rocks. However, the moment they are unobserved, they can move at astonishing speeds. They are totally harmless, eat normal food, and can even have little Rock Pet babies that just kind of magically appear next to them to make sure humans don't mistake them for ordinary pebbles. Basically a weeping angel pet rock but utterly harmless.

  7. Jeff: Jeff is a professional pet. It's not a sex thing. Really it's not. He drives no erotic pleasure from it at all. The guy just doesn't mind being treated like a household pet and enjoys the benefits of free housing and food. He is very low maintenance seeing as he will use your toilet and can feed himself just fine if left to it. Actually his scallop risotto is delightful.

Friday, July 19, 2024

"Weird Genders"

I can't resist a provocative title. These aren't really "genders", but alternative dimensions upon which a species might be organized biologically, socially, or sexually. Galmoxians courtesy of Semiurge.

1. This species has three genders. Titans serve as their habitats like mobile forests. Foresters care for Titans, relieving them of pests and parasites and cultivating a healthy ecosystem. A healthy Titan releases pheromones that allow Foresters to reproduce parthenogenically. Rakes are physically indistinguishable from Foresters, but are predisposed to hyperactivity, curiosity, individualism, and adventurousness. They traverse Titans to romance fresh Foresters. In a successful courtship, they release a pheromone that temporarily transitions a Forester into a Berserker-state, nearly doubling in size and muscle mass and developing reproductive organs to impregnate the Rake, bringing genetic diversity to the Titan's ecosystem.

2. This species has two genders, one like Hominids, and the other like a variety of Trees. Most relationships are either polyanarchic or serially monogamous, and nearly always full of tenderness. Trees navigate the world through spatial reorientation, where the self is a continual growth process operating at a frequency below the Hominids' temporo-perceptual threshold. Their radical differences in how they perceive and operate in the world, and their limited ability to communicate and understand each other, makes their love both tragic and beautiful. Hominids pollinate the Trees and spread the seeds of their fruit, germinated by the enzymes in their saliva.

3. This species are always hatched in pairs. In nature, parents are only able to provide for one sibling, and so they brutally compete for survival. When one sibling inevitably, through luck or circumstance, outcompetes the other to such an advantage that they gain total dominance, the parents will neglect, disown, or even murder the Forgotten sibling in favor of the Chosen sibling. For much of civilization, this practice has been outlawed or frowned upon, and yet the systemic inequality between Forgotten and Chosen is interwoven through the history and persists into modernity.

4. This species has two genders, Lover and Spirit. While one is alive they are Lover, and in death they become Spirit. The vitality of a Lover provides inspiration for Spirit, imparting a portion of their essence inside the Lover so they may reproduce. The unlifespan of a Spirit may be as much as three times that of a Lover, but after each time they impart their essence they undergo significant aging, and each time more so, and it is rare for Spirits to be capable of reproducing more than three times before expiring.

5. This species has the genders of Chess Pieces. They operate like a hierarchical hivemind. Kings are the mind and soul of the hive, and without a King the hive will flounder for lack of thought or inspiration. They are physically limited and must be protected. Queens are powerful like demigods, and often just as petty and needy and prone to in-fighting. Rooks are workers and artisans, Knights are soldiers and first responders, and Bishops are artists and counsel, and all three are asexual. Pawns are weak yet plentiful, and can develop into the other genders as needed, although most Pawns never make it that far in life, or choose not to develop.

6. Galmoxians - Those sultry seducers of the spaceways - do not technically have genders. Or sex. Like all the unusually-intelligent life on their homeworld, they shape new individuals of their species from the primordial and protean slime which pools in its cracks and crevices, through both physical sculpting and bio-electric-chemical interface facilitated through layers of symbiotic micro-organisms.

However there are somewhat analogous societal roles related to a galmoxian's relationship to this sculpting process. Though by no means universal, the most common are typically translated as "fullshapers", who individually create a new galmoxian through the whole process, "raw-workers" who gather the slime, move it to a work-space, and handle the bulkier details, "detailers" who specialize in shaping certain parts of the galmoxian body, and depending on their skill can garner significant fees for this, "students" who oversee and study the creation process without directly participating, and "wreckers" who harass work-spaces, critiquing the creation process and destroying new galmoxians underway in they can breach the perimeter. Stereotypes, expectations, and so on for each role can differ greatly between cultures and classes within those cultures, even while the roles themselves are fairly 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Game Design Pattern: Concept Crafting

As part of WORDS!: The July 2024 Blog Carnival hosted by Beneath Foreign Planets, I thought I'd revisit one of my favorite game mechanics of all time: 

Credit to Saker Tarsos, his Crafting with Concepts post from 2020 was the last TTRPG mechanic that truly inspired me. I'm sure there's other really innovative things I haven't given sufficient consideration or am not aware of, let me know in the comments, but this one was a game changer.

I have been under-inspired lately so I'm not going to re-hash too much. 

The core mechanic is as follows:




Go read his original post or any of the following.

In my original Mecha Gear post I describe a system for building Mecha with Concept Crafting, but this could easily also apply to Power Armor or Battleships or other mechanical things.

I created three spark table posts for creating various kinds of weird mecha:
I also wrote Pre-Gens for a Super Robot Wars (videogame series)-style crossover Post Apocalyptic Mecha setting including the Ichinana from Mazinger Z, Jet Alone from Evangelion, and Hyakku Shiki from Mobile Suit Gundam.

The final play report of my Maximum Recursion Depth Volume 2 Campaign has a writeup of an awesome Concept Crafting-based Mecha boss fight, with an index to all the other PRs. The penultimate play report also had a really cool sandbox survival module that leveraged Concept Crafting for a variety of things like salvaging resources and constructing a base.

I also proposed a "monster" collecting mechanic using Concept Crafting (e.g. Pokemon, Dragon Quest Monsters, Shaman King) in the form of Anima Crafting for Maximum Recursion Depth Volume 3.

I've talked to people who were not aware of Saker Tarsos' post but had independently come up with a similar idea for things like a magic system (Maze Rats' magic system may have worked similarly, I don't remember anymore), or for something like Zelda Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom.

I hope this blog carnival brings more awareness to Concept Crafting and that more people begin to design around this mechanic. I imagine there's a whole lot more that could be done with it if people put their minds to it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Heaven's Gate Academy: An Interodelic Adventure

Followup to Into Interodelia: A Probiotic Drug Cocktail Adventure [Campaign Setup]. If you see something with a *, it's a reference to the first post.

Thanks to Dan of Lacrimis Draconis for proofreading and moral support.

Heaven's Gate Academy
Everyone knows that life is suffering and the world is broken. It's just that you're a little more broken than the rest of the world. Or, that's what the world is telling you. The mission statement is that they're going to fix you, but nobody really maintains the pretense on the inside.

Bad things happen inside the Academy, seriously. Violence, dehumanization, indoctrination, forced biochemical and body mutilation. It's some real dark shit. You've been warned.

Even so, some people are actually happy here, or better off at the very least. I don't know what to tell you, you'll just have to roll with the messiness of it all. At least it's campy too. Just wait until you see Mr. Doctor Priest's Enochian Cyber-Cock.

The Academics of Movement
You are always being monitored inside the Academy, except when you're not. During the day you will have two supervisors, and at night just one, and you can only go where they let you go. You'll spend most of the time in The Dorms.

Fortunately, space and time are relative, and therefore so is movement. You can always escape inside yourself in the Positive Plane*, or dissociate into your own holographic rainbow shadow, the Negative Plane*.

Where there is uncertainty or contradiction, you may find respite. But you have to be willing to sit with the discomfort of the unknown, like balancing on a bench of arrowheads.

The Teleology of Interodelia
Remember, this is all magic. Which is to say, a drug trip of misremembered memories. And only some of those memories are your own.

The goal is to escape, and this is agreed upon, including by Heaven's Gate Academy, although they won't just let you do it, what would be the point in that?

But anyway, when the trip ends and the magic's gone, you will escape. You were always going to escape. It's really more in how you do it.

The Dorms
In addition to yourselves, other dormmates include Carolina*, Del*, and Rabid Dog. Jakky* will come and go as he pleases. There are other dorms as well, but this one is yours.

The Dorm is a small nondescript living room, a couch and tv, a narrow hallway, and a few rooms of bunk beds, each with their own bathroom. They're not so bad, but there's only so much to say about them. Which is unfortunate, because you'll be spending a lot of time here.

The PCs' and NPCs' room assignments should all be mixed. I know that might seem inconvenient, but sometimes that's just how it goes.

If you room with Del, keep in mind, he's generally a decent guy, but sometimes he can be mean, or want to roughhouse, sometimes a little too rough. Del isn't violent by nature, no more so than anyone else, that's just what the trauma did to him. And once Del gets riled up, then Jakky follows shortly afterwards, and then it's a real problem because Jakky's a fucking ghost tiger who thinks he's people.

If you room with Carolina, she really is kind and sharing. You can see how the world would chew her up. It's not that she can't defend herself, she's actually tougher than you'd think physically, you'll find out for yourself if she ever gets her hands on any drugs, it's more a personality thing. She's also smarter than people think. People treat her like she's stupid but she's not, she just doesn't show it the way other people do.

There is one and only one true fail state in this game, and that is if you help Carolina escape. Incidental* will remind you of this fact in case you forget, or get any ideas. Worse, even just helping her, or showing her true kindness, could cause a Calamity*. You were a bad friend, and even in this magically misremembered memory, this failure must be relived.

Not long after you arrive comes Rabid Dog. Never before have you seen such eyes. They’re too-human eyes, full of cold intelligent violence, modern and primal. And should you ever find yourselves unsupervised in the Dorms, and should it seem that a physical altercation might ensue between yourselves and another, then Rabid Dog will intervene to break up the fight, and you will see those hyper-human eyes differently, because then you will see a love purer than you could have imagined, and you will feel joyous enlightenment, and also something like the shame of post-nut clarity, and you won't want to fight anymore, you won't even understand why you wanted to fight in the first place, you might even want to cry. Please, if you would resent a game telling you what your character should feel, just listen to your character, that's all I ask.

If Rabid Dog is ever in The Stables and the only supervisor is Zombie, he will grab a wooden 2x4 and he will bludgeon Zombie until his skull fractures and his spinal cord snaps and then Rabid Dog will run, and he will be captured, and taken somewhere else, somewhere worse, and you will never see him again. But you'll remember his hyper-human eyes.

One of the daytime supervisors is Jesus. He's more rotund than the usual White Jesus, and he's a ginger. Frankly, he's as broken as any of the students are purported to be, and has problematic views towards women, I mean really he's a misogynist, and he's deep into conspiracy theories. I know this all makes him sound unlikeable, but he leaves an impression, he's intelligent and convincing in his own way. He'd start a death cult of his own if he could but he doesn't quite have the charisma for it. But every once in a while he hooks a student into his madness, and even though he has the best of intentions, it doesn't usually end well for them.

The other daytime supervisor is Markov. He's small, wiry, a little past middle aged, bald and goateed, with rough skin, and he always wears sunglasses. He doesn't look that tough, but the students know that if you fuck with him, he will fuck with you back, and you just know you're not gonna win that fight, even if you think you can take him. But usually that's not a problem, because the students love him, he's the Cool Dad who lets you break some of the rules if it means you won't break the important ones. If Corporate ever had a clue they'd have fired him a long time ago, and that would be a shame, but that doesn't happen until after the drug trip ends, so you don't have to worry about it. He'll take a smoke break and mock you when you're jonesing, but it's all in good fun and when he comes back he'll let you sniff the nicotine off his fingers.

The nighttime supervisor is Mountain Dew. He's chill, nondescript. No ambitions, but not too bothered by it. He got his name because he drinks a lot of Mountain Dew and plays videogames all night, or reads comics, or watches hentai. Obviously none of this is allowed, but he does it anyway, and sometimes lets the students join him. If the drug trip would be coming to an end during the night shift, he'll give you drugs and a real fucked up indie comic book, and then you get to have one more wild adventure, recursing through both trips and eventually back up into what we erroneously call the real world.

The Stables
Do you ever wonder if they're called Stables because they provide stability? I don't want to look it up, it's better to wonder.

The Stables hold Majestic Beasts, and you get to take care of them, and learn to ride them. The Majestic Beasts are all large, at least as large as horses, and strong, because if they were small, or weak, someone would abuse them, they'd find a way, so you don't get to have something like a dog, even though that would be nice. I wonder if the Academy learned this the hard way.

The primary supervisor of The Stables is Zombie. He was supposed to go to Heaven, but due to bureaucratic error he's stuck in this broken world a little longer, and they didn't know what to do with him, so he's here. He is intellectually divergent and is legally not culpable for his actions, he has a legal guardian, but anyway they let him supervise The Stables, and he can do that just fine. He comes from a red state and has some regressive beliefs, but if he finds out that one of the students is "a queer" and he otherwise likes them, he'll find a way to rationalize it to himself.

Fat Tony is a student from another dorm, and he has the most experience of the students in running The Stables, and is often allowed to assist Zombie. He's a bully, a huge asshole, and remarkably ugly in an understated way, like he's actually uncomfortable to look at, but it's not from a disfiguring scar or deformity or anything, I mean he does have a disfiguring scar, but that's not what this is about, that's just a coincidence. He just exudes ugliness. Or maybe it's more like extrudes, because it's greasy. If you're the forgiving type you might indulge the question of how such a person came to work The Stables.

The Corrections Facility
At Heaven's Gate Academy sex is forbidden, because sex is life, which means sex is also suffering, and violence.

Every student at Heaven's Gate Academy is forced to take medications that halt their sex drive. And there's a three strike rule; if you get caught engaging in even the most innocent and playful of flirtations, that's a strike, and after three strikes, they use chemicals and instruments to tame you, and then there's no coming back from that.

But you know what? As monstrous as that sounds, some of the students really like it. No longer to be made an object of, no longer to fear that kind of violence, or the implication of it. And likewise, to be free from those urges, to no longer feel enslaved by them, or want to enslave others by them.

The Corrections Facility is managed by Mr. Doctor Priest, who prefers to go by Dr. Priest. He has an Enochian Cyber-Cock that he's really proud of, and always finds "subtle" ways to bring it up or wave it around. What Mr. Doctor Priest doesn't know about his Enochian Cyber-Cock, is that it's very easy to hack with a SQL Injection, because he doesn't actually know how to code Enochian, or really how to code in general, he just kind of muddles his way through it, like many do with life. Even though he's not a licensed therapist, they let him run the mandatory therapy sessions. Many students who would have benefited from real therapy will never get it, because he gave them the wrong idea of what it's about and so they'll wash their hands of it forever, and that's a real shame.

The Dining Hall
The food comes in plastic containers or bins of things made from powder and water, everything wet and greasy and white. There is a notable lack of scent, flavor, and nutrition. It’s filling and makes you tired and accomplishes very little else, but The Lunchlady really does care, and somehow that makes it worse, because you’ll hurt her feelings if you complain about it.

Occasionally The CEO will eat at The Dining Hall (and on those days the food is notably improved), and he’ll talk with the students. It's always a one on one conversation, and he's a very good listener, curious, and thoughtful. He has a clean and unthreatening handsomeness, like a diet Mitt Romney.

The Glassed Desert
Heaven's Gate Academy is located in the middle of a Glassed Desert, Shevet* knows where. The Nuclear God Shevet detonated here long ago, and it's never really been the same since. There's a tragic beauty in this desert in the middle of nowhere, mountains off in the distance. Serene and empty. You misremember it once being quite naturally beautiful, without all the weird baggage and feelings. Now it's all glass and charred vantablack trees, cauterized branch-collars like eyes that see into 無, the contradictory negative space contained within the cycle of being and becoming of existence, and maybe if the circumstances were different, there'd be a beauty in that too. You realize you too can stare into 無 if you follow the line of their sight.

There are also monsters in this Glassed Desert, but it's the people you really need to watch out for. They used to be a family, but after the war, after everything they did and everything they didn't do, there's not much left of them except their failed humanity laid bare, and even still they cling to it, they've learned nothing, and will continue to learn nothing, and that nothingness radiates and destroys everything it touches.

The Threats We Face
Whether on the run or sleepwalking through the day, we face obstacles in our path, inevitable conflicts, and lurking threats.

The Victims: No, they are not survivors, although maybe one day they will be. These are the victims of circumstance. Those circumstances can be anything; sometimes it's a demon in the head. It's not that they don't deserve sympathy or help, it's often the lack of either that got them here, but all the same, they've lost their fucking minds and so you don't know at any time whether or not they will hurt you, or hurt anything weaker than themselves, because that's all they have left to do.

The Inmates Who Run the Asylum: The supervisors are not so different from the students they manage, but they have the power and the students don't, and so even the weakest and stupidest of them is a threat.

Monsters: Because of course there are monsters.

The Outside: The system is designed to keep you inside. Whether on a supervised excursion into town, or escaping into The Glassed Desert, everything is out to get you. The failed humanity of The Glassed Desert despise you the way they despise everything that is not themselves (and also themselves in a different way), the people in town fear you, or they fear what would happen to their town if The Academy fails, or they think nothing of you, just that you aren't supposed to be here and that's enough.

Time: Time is not on your side. The longer you stay in The Academy, the more likely it is that they break you further, or fix you, which may be even worse. The part of you that is a student of The Academy becomes a greater part of your identity, it defines you until you are nothing but a student in this place. Time distorts your personal reality from the inside out like a microwave, like sickness and neurochemical imbalances in the Positive Plane, and rumination spirals and distorted perceptions in the Negative Plane.

Yourself: You are, perhaps, your own greatest threat, whether you can admit it or not.

Wrote the original draft as early as March 2024 (maybe earlier?), made a lot of progress on it for a month or so, then fell off. I had originally intended to gamify it up a bit more, maybe I'll finally do that in some hypothetical future third post.

I was very worried if this post was a little "much", again thank you Dan for advice and encouragement!