My Games

Friday, December 13, 2024

Rings of Power: The Inner Circle

Rings of Power: The Inner Circle

The PCs are inducted into The Inner Circle, a secret society whose members are supplied with a ring of power.

They scheme against The Body of Orkus, the order of those corrupted by the Dread Demiurge Orkus, and its quasi-material manifestation, The Eye of Orkus, in a secret global cold war.

The rings of power make users invisible and powerful.

Those who wear the ring can sense the nearby presence of others who wear the ring.

Those who wear the ring risk Corruption (roll Corruption Die each time a ringbearer puts on the ring), becoming more powerful, but also closer to Ork metamorphosis.

Those who wear the ring draw the attention of the Dread Demiurge Orkus (roll Orkus Die once when one or a group of ringbearers put on the ring). Those spotted by the Eye of Orkus must flee imminently, or face unimaginable suffering.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Alien Invasion Weird Worldbuilding Game

This is a Weird Worldbuilding game. You're provided with a set of tools to develop a near future world, like five years near, except there's been an Alien Invasion and that's changed things a bit.

If I run this game, it will be inspired by the Yakuza / Like a Dragon videogame series. You are part of or adjacent to organized crime, but both the organized crime and the Alien Invasion are incidental, it's really about the whacky side quests. Also you'll have superpowers because everything is better with superpowers. If you really want this game to be about the Alien Invasion that's fine too, but for me it's a sandbox game.

Below are a series of prompts for the group. We start with Session 0 prompts. After that we have a series of Session X.1 prompts. You can answer them ahead of time and are encouraged to at least read them ahead of time, but breaking them up makes them more manageable. These X.1 Sessions are micro-sessions between other main sessions to build out the world further. Any time a prompt suggests doing "one" thing, assume it means "one or more" unless it specifically says otherwise.

Session 0 Prompts
Reminder that you should read all the prompts even if you only answer the Session 0 prompts. Note what they imply about the game by virtue of when you are asked to address them.

After the Alien Invasion, one previously advantaged group e.g. nation, religion, ethnicity, "race", or "gender" has become disadvantaged, and one disadvantaged group becomes advantaged.

The Alien Invaders are hyper advanced in many ways, but they have introduced one innovation, technology, resource, skill, or practice that has profoundly changed the world.

The Alien Invaders have effectively solved one major world crisis e.g. war, inequality, disease, ecological disaster, and introduced one new major world crisis.

A specific location on Earth has been dramatically altered by the Alien Invasion.
This could be a good starting location for the game.

Communication between humans and the Alien Invaders is limited, and requires a specific method or technology.

Session 3.1 Prompts
Do these before the fourth session (you can do them sooner).

The Alien Invaders have a notable trait e.g. appearance or ability that differentiates them from humans.

The Alien Invaders have a notable behavioral quirk that differentiates them from humans.

The Alien Invaders have a unique artistic expression, and human cultures have to varying degrees adopted or reacted against this mode of expression.

Session 5.1 Prompts
Do these before the sixth session (you can do them sooner).

The Alien Invaders face one major threat.

The Alien Invaders have one good ally, one enemy, and one rival.

Example World

Yakuza: Like an Alien Invasion

Session 0 Prompts

After the Alien Invasion, one previously advantaged group e.g. nation, religion, ethnicity, "race", or "gender" has become disadvantaged, and one disadvantaged group becomes advantaged.
Advantaged -> Disadvantaged: Organized religion has already been tanking in the 21st century, and organized Christianity in particular really takes a hit after the Alien Invasion. Many of the American Megachurches have simply moved camp.
Disadvantaged -> Advantaged: The Alien Invaders seem to prefer working with trans and non-binary folk.

The Alien Invaders are hyper advanced in many ways, but they have introduced one innovation, technology, resource, skill, or practice that has profoundly changed the world.
Through a process humanity is yet to fully understand, after undergoing a trauma (or a steady state of micro-traumas), some humans begin to "ferment". The metamorphosis gives the Fermented Folk superpowers. 

The Alien Invaders have effectively solved one major world crisis e.g. war, inequality, disease, ecological disaster, and introduced one new major world crisis.
Solved: Through a solar pipeline, essentially infinite, clean, free energy funnels down to Earth from the sun itself.
Introduced: While <1% of humans are Fermented, the proportion of Fermented Folk appears to be rising exponentially (R0 still under research). However, 3% of Fermented Folk develop Weird Pathologies, and this number appears to be scaling up disproportionately as a function of the proportion of Fermented Folk.

A specific location on Earth has been dramatically altered by the Alien Invasion.
The hub of the Alien Invasion is North Korea. The DMZ is gone and Pyongyang has been the fastest growing city over the last few years.

Communication between humans and the Alien Invaders is limited, and requires a specific method or technology.
Through the Collective Unconscious, 777 Fermented trans and non-binary folk throughout the world have been elected to represent human interests with the Alien Invaders through dreaming.

Session 3.1 Prompts

The Alien Invaders have a notable trait e.g. appearance or ability that differentiates them from humans.
They are bird people.

The Alien Invaders have a notable behavioral quirk that differentiates them from humans.
They usually lay twins, and in nature they allow the stronger of the twins to overpower the weaker, which they then abandon. While this practice has been outlawed in their current era (and perhaps earlier), this conflict defines them as a species perhaps more than anything else.

The Alien Invaders have a unique artistic expression, and human cultures have to varying degrees adopted or reacted against this mode of expression.
The Alien Invaders are vivid lucid dreamers and have developed a robust art of dreamcrafting. On the whole humanity has come to appreciate this new artform. However, there are many who now feel varying degrees of fear or resentment towards dreaming. Rates of sleep disorders have risen, and new psychosocial pathologies have had to be defined to explain the paranoias and delusions some now develop around sleep and dreaming.

Session 5.1 Prompts

The Alien Invaders face one major threat.
An organized crime terrorist faction primarily of The Forgotten, the "weaker twins". They've staked a foothold on Earth and threaten colonization.

The Alien Invaders have one good ally, one enemy, and one rival.
Ally: Quasi-intelligent space dugongs that are not quite pets but not quite intellectual equals either. Like if you could actually talk with your dog.
Enemy: Wyrms, parasites like tiny little dragons. Infected become Wyverns, similar to human vampires or werewolves. The Fermented Folk may also be related to the Wyrms(?)
Rival: Space trolls that look like humanoid clownfish on steroids with maw of a crocodile. Their technology is all stolen from other civilizations and cobbled together. They've made a stake in Russia but otherwise the bird people have a lockdown on Earth.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear Product of the Year 2024 Not Review

As jaded as we've become by notions like "innovation" and "progress" in this late stage of our capitalism, one should take a step back once in a while and appreciate the good things.

Case in point:

Note the wave. Let me tell you, it is no lie, this thing tears so clean. Never again will I have lopsided, misshapen, uneven toilet paper. It's so satisfying, it reaches into the lizard brain like bubble wrap to tear this paper. And it is so ultra soft and smooth. It can be used a single leaf at a time, clean, smooth, effective.

You think I'm joking, I assure you I am not. This toilet paper will change your bathroom experience. It's like watching a movie in HD or listening to music in HiFi for the first time. If you are at all discerning, there will be no going back.

I would encourage you all to experience this toilet paper.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Dynamic Reality Gaming

Dynamicland and Dynamic Reality Overview
As someone who is interested in the intersection of STEM and the arts, I'm a big fan of Nicky Case's blog, and in their most recent post (as of writing) they reference Dynamicland (I would also recommend checking out their youtube).

Tl;dr it's an approach of humanistic computing, taking compute off of a screen and out into the world.

They do this through a tech stack that seemingly involves lighting and cameras, and mapping physical objects to code, it's not open source but that's how I understand it, but anyway it's less about the tech and more about the approach.

The creators seem like brilliant people and they make some profound insights about computation and this notion of dynamic reality (as compared to virtual reality, augmented reality, or of course physical reality).

So Dynamicland inspired this post, but this is about TTRPGs now. If you want to learn more about Dynamicland I'd encourage you to watch their youtube videos.

The TTRPG Stuff
Presumably this is what you came here for. Basically, what are some presumptions about game design that use mathematical or linguistic abstraction, that might be better represented visually or kinesthetically?

Character and Inventory Management
You ever lose track of your abilities and items? Not anymore you don't.

Meet Orcus Johnson. He has a laser axe (A1), shoulder mounted blaster (B2), and the Johnson Crown (C3). More details can be found mapped to those keys.

It would probably be both easier and more in the spirit of DR to use a hand drawn figure, or like some combination of a drawing, paper cutouts, tokens, minis, etc., but I'm still a very digitally oriented person. Also, if you can draw, you can do something besides a stick figure.

It would be especially fun to do this for Mecha.

We were talking about this on my discord server so that's part of what came to mind. The idea of having targeted attacks, like being able to wound arms, legs, etc., with various status effects like burning, bleeding, acid, always sounds like fun, but it can be a huge pain to keep track of. Until now.

We can see clearly that Orcus Johnson has lost his leg and is bleeding profusely. Additionally, Thor Goldberg struck him with lightning and he is now electrocuted and stunned.

The point here is not to get rid of the mechanics or math or whatever, this figure corresponds to bleed effects, lightning effects, etc.; it's not less crunchy, it's just more immediately identifiable what is happening. Rather than a bunch of abstract numbers or words and having to dig through it all, you can see very clearly what's going on, and then trace it back to its references.

I'm not really into crunchy games anyway, but if I were to try to reincorporate some crunch into my gaming, I'd probably try things like this.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Weird & Wonderful Wavelengths (Variety Show s1e5)


It's Halloween season!
...but I've got nothing seasonal on the mind. I have been watching movies though. Check out the Soska Sisters. They are criminally underrated. We're in the Golden Age of Tubi. Murdoch owns them but they're free so get in while the getting's good, let's bleed that old fucking vampire dry before he figures out how to monetize it.

I am a Cronenberg fan but the Soskas' Rabid is better.

Oh ya I had this one-liner, don't think I've shared this in a post before:
King in Giallo: A Giallo-inspired setting except with Hastur.

The Nuclear Man
Through means unknown, a nuclear missile explodes backwards through time. Probability crackles as atoms and the bounds of spacetime smash against each other, procreative energy seeding life in all it's magic, and madness.
A retrofuturistic examination of the effects of nuclear power on culture through a modern lens. The promise of what nuclear energy can be, against the dangers it poses.
A being born as a side effect of the orgodynamic nuclear time explosion referenced above.
An extremely powerful but unstable being, one with near unlimited potential, equally for better or worse.
One with a chip on its shoulders, with a streak of both exceptionalism and rebellion.

When too many ideas collide
A world in which some weird entities like bugs or autonomous machines or whatever are constantly building, and so most of the world is tight, labyrinthine corridors, and cities and wealth and property is symbolized by the ability to create and maintain large open spaces.

The universe actually is a simulation, where the first universe fucks things up so badly that they create a simulation as a way to preserve themselves through recreation, but each time it keeps getting fucked up and they keep trying to salvage it.

Each level of the simulation, the underlying algorithm is slightly different either for creative reasons or due to the constraints of the universe in which it was constructed, so each one is a little different.

And even though each universe is constructed as a consequence of the actions in the preceding universe, the algorithms are (mostly) deterministic, so "time travel" is just a calculation.

So there are people or factions that can propagate to "lower" or even "higher" levels of simulation, so it's like a Doctor Who-ian level of timey-whimeyness except in a universe more like that of cyclical mythologies with their ages and cycles, and the interactions between the simulations can become like a teleology.

And so that world where bugs or automatons are constantly building such that indoors are like outdoors and outdoors are like indoors would be one level of simulation in this setting.

Festival of the Living Dead. Soska Sisters. On Tubi. The last good zombie movie (probably).

A few more ideas while you wait for your train because they're trying to force us back into offices despite the comprehensive natural experiment known as covid demonstrating statistically that it is not necessary, it is solely a means for them to control us and our time and our bodies...
  • A bard with a magic box. They wave their fingers over the box and it makes magical vibrations and music.

  • A cyborg with a tachyonic hand. Solves mysteries of time by transmitting information between the cyborg's past, present, and future. The hand can only exist in one time and must find the cyborg whenever it transmits to a different time.

  • A cohort of cetaceans reached superhuman intelligence. Selling out the seas to humans for profit and power, they have systematically kept the rest of the cetacean population in an intellectually impoverished state. With their intelligence and extraordinary wealth, this small cohort, <1% of the cetacean population, live lavish lives in a secret underwater "city" far more advanced than anything humans have accomplished.

  • A mathematically advanced species whose language and cognition operates like music.

  • "Natural Farces", a magical/science phenomena like the opposite of Natural Forces.

How many episodes, over how many years, before I can start calling this season 2?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Heaven is here (and it has a waitlist) [Micro-Setting][Campaign Setup]

The PCs are breaking into Heaven because they couldn't make the waitlist, or are otherwise morally compromised, and now they want revenge for the eternity of bliss they didn't earn or never stood a chance of earning. Along the way they fight Biblically accurate Angels, Indulgent Elites, and worst of all the Anointed at the end of Space and Time.

High Concepts
  • Techno-Boschian Heaven
  • Statement on the culmination of Late-Stage Capitalism, Christian Nationalism, and Techno-Narcissism (the Triple Threat)
  • The unwillingness of Americans to sit with discomfort
  • The Ennui and dysfunction of Suburbia

Balance between representing the ugliness and banality of The Triple Threat, but also making it fun and interesting to play in.

System & Setting

Everything in Heaven is mediated by two resources.

Plasma: The raw energy of consumption, for the Human Spirits and their Machines (including PC's Vehicles). Sourced from e.g. Monsters, The Aether. The rate at which Plasma is being industrially farmed is depleting the ecosystem of Monsters and literally shrinking The Aether of Heaven.

Points: Gained by sacrificing Plasma to The Infineract. Can be traded or spent on Miracles from The Infineract, but their greatest value comes from being accrued. Also, they earn interest. Systems of Point Value are largely defined by The Infineract, through the collective Human Spirit.

Strictly-zoned Suburbs, Strip Malls, and Office Parks, connected by serpentine Highways. Getting anyway requires a Vehicle.

The PCs have at least one Vehicle, probably a car that they all ride in together. It's ok for the Vehicles to be cool and fun and for Players / PCs to feel personally connected with them.

Use Concept Crafting or your preferred Mecha / Vehicle system.

Getting anywhere in the Vehicle costs Plasma.
  • Vehicles with Controlled Deformation will crumple more easily, but shock absorb Damage for the PCs.
  • Larger Vehicles may be stronger, but cost more Plasma to use.
  • Rare or expensive Vehicles project greater Social Dominance, but also may attract bad actors such as thieves or cops, or other kinds of unwanted attention.

Vehicles are inherently unsafe and destroy the environment, but have fun ;)!

The Infineract
A "Black Box", an infinite-dimensional object reminiscent of the Monoliths in 2001: A Space Odyssey. The Infineract is a Singleton object that can be accessed by anything with a GetInfineract access method (such as Human Spirits). However, most simply use The Infineract instance in the center of their living rooms.

Human Spirits
Those VIPs who made it into Heaven. As such they cannot die, or experience anything like true Pain. However, they have a very low tolerance for Discomfort, and this pathological fear drives all of Heavenly society. Human Spirits Need Not, but Want All.

PCs, being infiltrators and not truly Human Spirits, can die and feel Pain. It would be in their best interest to keep that information from getting out.

Non-Exhaustive Bibliography in no particular order
  • The Geography of Nowhere
  • Techgnosis
  • Hieronymus Bosch
  • Roadside Picnic / Stalker
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Games: Agency as Art
  • VALIS Trilogy
  • Harmony (Project Itoh novel)

Like many of my recent posts, I know there is more there there, but I was in a very particular state of mind when I wrote this, and I often struggle to get back into those states afterwards, so rather than waiting several months, barely adding anything, and then still sharing it in an incomplete state, I figured I'd just do it now. Hopefully I'll follow up on it more in the future.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Superheroes pt.2: The Fly

The Fly

Biotech scientist and social activist vigilante with a fly mask and a classic noir costume over superhero spandex. A small wiry man with a pet fly that sometimes talks to him and grants him extraordinary abilities.

The Fly can see in three dimensions of time, allowing them to respond to things before they happen. They also have superhuman agility and low-level superstrength.

Occasionally the pet fly grants them greater and more mysterious abilities, although usually they operate subtly, like luck or force of will.

Fly Vision in three dimensions of time is a compound kaleidoscope of scenes that appear spatially low resolution and muddy like old film.

Navy Bullfrog

Archnemesis of The Fly. A navy veteran turned entrepreneur who now runs most of corporate agriculture on the west coast, and a major financial supporter of the GOP.

An attractive brawny man in a navy suit. They produce a low frequency croaking vocalization that manipulates people subliminally. They wear a slimy blue helmet that amplifies their abilities to the point that they seem to influence consensus reality directly.

While Navy Bullfrog served in the armed forces, they were involved in a mission to wipe out an invasive species outbreak accidentally spread by the military overseas. This mission and all pertinent details have been covered up or classified.

Publication History

Unlike most superheroes, The Fly was introduced in medias res with no superhero origin story. In the years since, several creators have filled in some of the gaps, although these origins often contained major continuity errors, which later creative teams attempted to explain away as the effects of Navy Bullfrog's consensus reality-altering abilities or The Fly's Fly Vision.

From the beginning The Fly tackled social issues in the sciences, including critiquing the medical model of disability, tackling misinformation and disinformation around topics such as vaccines and genetically modified organisms, and WEIRD biases in research (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic). However, very early in the first volume, The Fly also subtly explored the intersections of scientific and spiritual thought, which later became a core theme of the character.

The villain Navy Bullfrog originally appeared as a one-off antagonist in Panic Attack! Vol. 1, sans his iconic helmet or any reference to his superpowers or strange past. The character was largely reinvented for The Fly, although later volumes of Panic Attack! would retcon the scope of Navy Bullfrog's influence in those early adventures.

The original creative team had intended for the pet fly to be an incarnation of a demonic entity and have The Fly interact with the Church of Satan, although this plotline was abandoned early in the run for unknown reasons [citation needed]. In Vol. 2 it was implied that the pet fly might be a Saturim agent working on behalf of Bright Mujo, although this was never confirmed.

During the XXX regime of 20XX, Vol. 3 of The Fly was censured mid-run. This led to a Streisand Effect in which the character became a symbol of resistance, and many underground "American Doujinshi" stories of The Fly would influence the official series when it was brought back into publication. This was controversial and led to backlash against the publisher for appropriating these stories while simultaneously attempting to reassert their IP control. Although they ultimately failed, the competition among publishers for this now public domain character led to an overall improved quality in storytelling compared to Volume 3, which had been losing buzz anyway prior to being censured.

I did not sleep well last night, and unfortunately nowadays that seems to be the best way to get my creative juices flowing. I should probably polish this off more but I dunno it feels right and I don't want to add too many details and muddle it, so I'm putting a pin in it and maybe I'll expand on it later.